Embers and Ink - Blog — Protest RSS

I've deleted my Amazon account and here are some reasons why.

For a long time I haven't been using Amazon and last week I finally deleted my account fully and requested a deletion of my details. And here are some of my reasons why: Amazon's treatment of their workers: Amazon are continually coming under attack regarding their treatment of their workers. The fact that Amazon oppose trade-unions should ring alarm bells as a consumer or an employee. Why would a company fear a trade-union (which is a collection or group that aims to protect worker's rights) unless they do not have their worker's interests at heart? Right?! The BBC did an undercover report at Amazon's delivery depot in Avonmouth U.K. in November 2016 and found that after deductions, including van hire...

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Your right to protest is important

The UK Govenrnment is passing a Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts bill that will restrict your right to protest. They are attacking our civil rights and are relying on our apathy to let this slip by. Your opinions are important, and your right to protest against decisions made against your life are enshrined in the Human Rights Act. I'll keep this short, but please: if you value your own opinion and the right for your own voice to be heard please consider signing this petition to protect your freedom to protest: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/protect-the-freedom-to-protest

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